The University is a Carl Jung atomic collective of unconscious students and professors. The purpose of education is to rise to a level of consciousness, but the university brain engineering vectors are pointing in the wrong direction. This effects the Carl Jung atomic collective and the various continuums in existence on EARTH. These CAUSES at the University of Wisconsin may have EFFECTS elsewhere on the surface of EARTH. Let's look at messages of such conflicts.....and their feedback signals to Madison and society in general.
The above message words:
Iran --> I ran = Independent Random Variables ...human math life in the Camp Ran(dall) geography region of south central Wisconsin.
page A10 --> Base 16 hex'A' = 10 secret newspaper data processing for the human bio-computer.
We see that FOOTBALL is base 16 sport with Hex'Fo" = 240 = Foot + ball.
Ball = Basic assembler land languages of COMPUTER EARTH system 370 and Einsteins data processing DATA FIELD theory ...and its application to the University of Wisconsin. The University has failed many intellectual awareness tests ...and has endangered its accredation as a BIG TEN Tensor space/time educational institution.
Tuesday = Tu + esda + y = Time unit (VSAM) entry sequenced data y(2k data stream) ........ Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and applications to daily life
Thus we see new dimensions of Nature and evolution formats. For example,,,,,how has this man evolved.
Richard Dawkins | |
![]() Dawkins in 2010 at Cooper Union in New York City | |
Born | Clinton Richard Dawkins 26 March 1941 Nairobi, Kenya Colony |
Nationality | British |
Alma mater | Balliol College, Oxford |
Richard Dawkins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Clinton Richard Dawkins, FRS, FRSL (born 26 March 1941) is an English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author. He is an emeritus fellow of New College, ...
The organic chemistry expressions --> Social chemistry messenger identifier symbols......
Clinton Richard Dawkins, FRS, FRSL (born 26 March 1941) is an English ethologist, evolutionary biologist[1] and author.
He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford,[2] and was the University of Oxford's Professor for Public Understanding of Science from 1995 until 2008.[3]
In 1982 he introduced an influential concept into evolutionary biology, presented in his book The Extended Phenotype, that the phenotypic effects of a gene are not necessarily limited to an organism's body, but can stretch far into the environment, including the bodies of other organisms.[4]
Ri +CH + ard Dawkins is humanoid expression of CH --> Carbon Hydrogen molecules ..... as suggested by several chemistry books.
chard Dawkins, FRS, FRSL (born 26 March 1941)
is an English ethologist, evolution
Nature's intellect consider's humans as organic chemistry structures.
chard Dawkins,
Below we have several different human CH sub-species.
What human sub-species is Dawkins?
We know that Dawkins comes from the Central AF region of AFRICA.
.....that is the CPU = Central Processing Unit geography region of Base HEX"AF" = 175 ..one of several Computer System 370 geography processing regions. He then went to base 16 Oxygen university of atomic computer mass 16 known as Oxford ...whose equation is Ox + Fo + Rd --> Research development.
richaRD Dawkins ......from region 'AF" = 175 then continues his evolution VIA oxygen LUNG studies of Hex'Fo" = 240.
Thus we see a complex sequence of identifiers..secret codes ....starting in the jungles and plains of Africa and evolving in England .....
LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford,[2] and was the University of Oxford's Professor for Public Understanding of Science from 1995 until 2008.[3]
In 1982 he introduced an influential concept into evolutionary biology, presented in his book The Extended Phenotype, that the phenotypic effects of a gene are not necessarily limited to an organism's body, but can stretch far into the environment, including the bodies of other organisms.[4]
Ri +CH + ard Dawkins is humanoid expression of CH --> Carbon Hydrogen molecules ..... as suggested by several chemistry books.
chard Dawkins, FRS, FRSL (born 26 March 1941)
is an English ethologist, evolution
Nature's intellect consider's humans as organic chemistry structures.
chard Dawkins,
Below we have several different human CH sub-species.
What human sub-species is Dawkins?
Thus we see the evolution of Richard Dawkins ......and his parallel life in earthly universes .
Parallel universe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A parallel universe or alternative reality is a hypothetical self-contained separate reality coexisting with one's own. A specific group of parallel universes is called
chard Dawkins,
born 26 March 1941 ............. thus we see the social chemistry formula of Richard Dawkins.
Richard Dawkins is an organic molecular structure of humanoid species --> alkane ethane.
The English alphabet and Citizen Kane movie --> alphabet + Kane (Hearst newspapers) = al + kane .
Richard Dawkins is an organic molecular structure of humanoid species --> alkane ethane.
The English alphabet and Citizen Kane movie --> alphabet + Kane (Hearst newspapers) = al + kane .
Thus we see the secret evolutionary life of RD Dawkins. .....being born in Kenya ..... an excellent EARTH LAB specimen .... in African voodoo chemistry. IBM system 370 OS/JCL is used to keep track of Base 16 Hex'AF" = 175 AF.rican voodoo using voodoo bio-computer data sets with GooVoo numbers.
- PDF]
Batch Applications—The Hidden Asset
download.microsoft.com/.../Batch%20The%20Hidden%20Asset.pdfSimilarFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
pronounced “goovoo”)—in which the zeroes are replaced by numbers. For example, an absolute reference to the fifth generation data set might look like: ... Generation data groups - iPro Developer | The Ultimate Resource ...
www.iprodeveloper.com/forums/aft/46342CachedNov 15, 2006 – On the mainframe I would define a GDG (generation data group) that keeps 30 ... The goovoo number was appended to the filename such that ...
MAINFRAME FORUM: GDG generation define and reference.. - IBM Mainframe
ibmmainframes.com/post-157384.htmlCached8 posts - 3 authors - Sep 21, 2008Either using relative generation numbers or explicit GooVoo numbers, you can only have one version of a generation a GDG - in the catalog at ...
We know that Dawkins comes from the Central AF region of AFRICA.
.....that is the CPU = Central Processing Unit geography region of Base HEX"AF" = 175 ..one of several Computer System 370 geography processing regions. He then went to base 16 Oxygen university of atomic computer mass 16 known as Oxford ...whose equation is Ox + Fo + Rd --> Research development.
richaRD Dawkins ......from region 'AF" = 175 then continues his evolution VIA oxygen LUNG studies of Hex'Fo" = 240.
Thus we see a complex sequence of identifiers..secret codes ....starting in the jungles and plains of Africa and evolving in England .....
British are well-known for their human guinea-pigs.
LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:
"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."
Above words......Islamic Revolution Organization ....
.......subset .............amic Revolution Or ..... gives bio-physics
message ---> atomic revolution (electron) orbitals.
Thus the atomic bio-physics human brain ....the brain electron orbital INTERNAL war /conflict.
The INTERNAL conflict is transformed to EXTERNAL display format ...human activities /actions/ fighting on the surface of geography EARTH ...fighting visible to the eye /optical nerve AND reported in the news ...for analysis by advanced curious thinkers.
The INTERNAL conflict is transformed to EXTERNAL display format ...human activities /actions/ fighting on the surface of geography EARTH ...fighting visible to the eye /optical nerve AND reported in the news ...for analysis by advanced curious thinkers.
Above word ..... antinuclear = ant + i = nuclear
anthropology interface brain cell nucleus thoughts ..... Margaret Mead nuclear family ...evolution to different levels of existence ..
a) original size ..humans living in jungles etc...with parents and extended families
b) new type of extended families
....... brain cell nucleus and its .social thoughts
.......atomic brain with atomic nucleus (protons and their atomic English prose + neutron news)
....... brain cell nucleus and its .social thoughts
.......atomic brain with atomic nucleus (protons and their atomic English prose + neutron news)
Thus we see Herbert Spencer's architectural outline of EVENTS (from 1872) help explain modern societal message structures.
Herbert Spencer – Life is the continuous adjustment of internal ... 
Herbert Spencer – Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations. Sponsored links. Life is the continuous adjustment of internal ...
Above words: Revolutionary Guards =
Re + evolution + ary Guards .......symbolic life and thought ....
Region evolution (math life) array Guards...... for Nature's intellect
Region evolution (math life) array Guards...... for Nature's intellect
Thus we see Nature's organic chemistry government messages VIA humanoid messengers dressed in his cotton fabric SIGNALING language for carbon black atoms ......a signal to Nature's evolution agent .......
Parallel universe - evolution and evolution of agents
A parallel universe .... reality coexisting with one's own.
Astronomy-Physics Major - University of Wisconsin-Madison
pubs.wisc.edu/ug/ls_astron.htmCachedSkip to main content University of Wisconsin–Madison ...Astronomy, the oldest of the sciences, for the last several decades has been one of the most exciting ...
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems - Wikipedia, the ...
The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo) was a 1632 Italian language book by Galileo Galilei ...
The major astronomy battle in recent times ...was Sept 11, 2001......
the BATTLE of TWO Chief WORLD trade centers and their systems.Below is more astronomy ......messages....
.use the technique .....READ between the lines.
Below the astrophysics identifier ---> e horizon = event horizon
edna --> extended DNA
edna --> extended DNA
ego --> Sigmund Freud --> Sig F Reud --> Signal Base 16 Hex'F' = 15
............Reud .....with gestalt completion becomes word : Read
............Reud .....with gestalt completion becomes word : Read
Above words:
Israel = IS = Information Systems of human bio-computers with the human bio-computer network ...the biological INTERNET system with chief humanoid SECRET representative.......
Benjamin Netanyahu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Second Prime Ministership: 2009–present: She warned that Israeli settlements and ... by Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu, with ...
The brain computer war for control of the BOY SCOUT organization took place at NET high school ..known as MariNET, Wisconsin on Pierce Street. The sample student became SAM ...that is SAM Hengel. Thus we see the University of Wisconsin and the bio-computer attack using the BENJAMIN NET equation with the sample student for sample space statistical mind-bending experiments. .
Benjamin Net --> Ben jam min net ...... becomes applied to humans ...as brain commands
Bend Jam MIND at Marionette High school. Sam Hengel and his subconscious mind correctly fought those nonsense commands from Madison and Milwaukee ...and is a hero in the BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology wars as predicted by ALDOUS HUXLEY.
In Nature's view we have the atomic bio-physics human brain groups known as WIMPS.
WIMPS = WI + MPS = Wisconsin MPS
MPS = Milwaukee Public Schools
MPS = Madison Public Schools
Weakly interacting massive particles - Wikipedia, the free ...
Also, in contrast to MACHOs, there are no known stable particles within the standard model of particle physics that have all the properties of WIMPs.
Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs ... - Physics - About.com
Definition: Weakly interacting massive particles, or WIMPs, are a theoretical form of particle which is a leading candidate as the missing dark matter predicted by ...
Above ...in Margaret Mead nuclear family.......atomic anthropology experiments with humanoids .....we have the Milwaukee / West Allis experiment ......
Particle ----> Humanoids composed of atomic particles ...perceived as 1 big particle in biology format that weighs ,,,180 pounds. Einstein's theory of relative sizes and viewing positions allows this analysis technique.
leading candidate ---> candidate for Wisconsin governor ...Mayor Barrett as the Milwaukee physics lab specimen
dark matter --> Mayor Barrett on Saturday night near the Wisconsin State Fair in ethics....and the battle with atomic bio-physics ant --> anthropology agent Anthony Peters.
Above, we see code --> M and 4 lines below it Dane = Madison, Dane County,words inside IRAN --> insider news from Camp RAN.dall written in some indirect,obscure writing style to avoid the Madison subliminal mind censors.The nuclear program refers to the Wisconsin Margaret Mead nuclear family anthropology programs AND the Wisconsin television programs for programming the bio-computer brain..AND the Base 16 Hex'FFA' hexadecimal brain programs for FFA farm children ........ the Base 16 HEX'FFA" Hex curse/error resulted the brain computer instruction ABEND ...resulting in the Matt Anderson bio-computer DUMP. The University of Wisconsin refuses to help understand this brain programming problem.Another computer science experiment resulted in the experimental error of MDT = Mark D. Totzke and the ax murder of the axons/synapses of his school teacher mother Gloria Totzke.....symbolic of several things.
Thus we see....understanding the news is complex. But the news can be an interesting, educational puzzle to be solved .....and each individual can learn basic science and algebra in this exciting investigative process.
THINK like Sherlock Holmes would like us to think. His thoughts and ideas are alive and well in my symbolic brain ..... and I think he would be proud of those who carry on his tradition and his respect for knowledge.
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