Blog post by Herb Zinser.
Let's look at some news events and lets study and translate the water molecule messages in the news.
Let's look at some news events and lets study and translate the water molecule messages in the news.
We start with the year 1968, the Vietnam WAR and the Ho Chi Min Trail signal .... the trail was is a string theory data signal .. .that researchers are beginning to understand in year 2103.
Waco --> Wa + Co --> Water Continuum war in Texas
Nature's provided scientists with a signaling EVENTs in TEXAS.
Expression EVENT of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family -->
Waco --> Water Compound
Waco --> Water Continuum
Waco --> Water communications
Waco --> Water code
--> molecular computer code and its communications
The Waco siege was a siege of a compound belonging to the religious group Branch Davidians by American federal and Texas state law enforcement and military between February 28 and April 19, 1993.[4] The Branch Davidians, a Christian[5] sect led by David Koresh, lived at Mount Carmel Center ranch in the community of Elk, Texas,[6][7] nine miles (14 kilometers) east-northeast of Waco. The group was suspected of weapons violations and a search and arrest warrant was obtained by the U.S. federal agency Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF).
The incident began when the ATF attempted to raid the ranch. An intense gun battle erupted, resulting in the deaths of four agents and six Branch Davidians. Upon the ATF's failure to raid the compound, a siege was initiated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the standoff lasting 51 days. Eventually, the FBI launched an assault and initiated a tear gas attack in an attempt to force the Branch Davidians out. During the attack, a fire engulfed Mount Carmel Center and 76 men, women, and children,[8][9] including David Koresh, died.
Much dispute remains as to the actual events of the siege. A particular controversy ensued over the origin of the fire; a government investigation concluded in 2000 that sect members themselves had started the fire. The events at Waco were cited as the primary motivation for the perpetrators of the Oklahoma City bombing that took place exactly two years later in 1995.
Who's afraid of the Superconducting Super Collider? | Summer of ...
Oct 29, 2009 - But to properly convey the site of the super collider, Waxahachie is no where near the desert of west Texas. Nor is it in the piney woods of east ...
The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) (also nicknamed the Desertron[1]) was a particle accelerator complex under construction in the vicinity of Waxahachie, Texas, that was set to be the world's largest and most energetic, surpassing the current record held by the Large Hadron Collider. Its planned ring circumference was 87.1 kilometres (54.1 mi) with an energy of 20 TeV per proton. The project's director was Roy Schwitters, a physicist at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Louis Ianniello served as its first Project Director for 15 months.[2] The project was cancelled in 1993 due to budget problems.[3]
The project was cancelled in 1993
The project was cancelled in 1993
The project was cancelled in 1993
The project was cancelled in 1993 --> Waxahachie Collider was cancelled
The project was cancelled in 1993 --> Wa .................Co
The project was cancelled in 1993 --> super-symmetry existential physics
The project was cancelled in 1993 --> Waco, Texas was cancelled
atomic Waxahachie collider <--> Wa + co -->
Waco atomic social anthropology Collider
Thus we see year 2103 .. many incomplete explanations about events in TEXAS. People in TEXAS take English creative writing class 101 and watch Hollywood movies and television ...... and that becomes the standard frame of reference for the MINDS of news reporters and editors.
Let's look at the news reporter or an editor ...... in a B.F. SKIN Skinner box/container of water molecules/ in a dermatology bottle
Let's look at the water continuum messages waiting for water molecule editors.
Water molecule continuum WAR and the
Houston molecular battlefield.
The water molecule battle reports continue. Let's look at the November 2013 Houston, Texas signal.
Then we look at some related WATER molecule signals. The United States Navy and the British Navy have no interest in Nature's atomic social science expression of anger by water molecules.
They still do not acknowledge the existence of Nature's molecular war and the INTELLECTUAL battle at the COLE HALL oceanography class via atomic bio-physics humanoid .... programmable bio-comupter expressors for Nature's molecular military actions.
Northern Illinois University shooting
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.
The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.
At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session
an oceanography class
an oceanography class
an oceanography class message for the U.S.Navy and their university and corporation associations.
Let's look at the Houston, Texas tragedy .... and then look at some other tragic EVENTS within the water molecule continuum battlefield. They all have one common denominator .... the SYMBOLS used to describe the various EVENTs sahare a common database of nouns, adjective, numbers, etc ..... that point to the fundamental existential source of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family conflict --> the water molecule within the human body and the human interaction and usage of water molecules.
Nature's existential continuum battle reports
The water molecule continuum war in Houston, Texas
The water molecule contiuum .. also, known as the WATER CONTINUUM in physics and chemistry .. became well known in the world in the WACO , Texas with the water molecules humanoid structures from Washington. DC.
Waco siege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Branch Davidians, a Christian sect led by David Koresh, lived at Mount Carmel Center ..... The 1993 clash in Waco, Texas at the Branch Davidian complex is an ....Reno countered that the FBI was tired of waiting; that the standoff was ...Waco, Texas: Where A Part Of America'S Heart And Soul Died.
David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas, held center ...The conspiracy of the FBI, President Clinton, and Janet Reno has resulted in ...
Janet Reno and the Department of Justice in Washington, DC ...... decided to clean up / wash / by washing the WATER CONTINUUM in WA + Co --> WACO, Texas.
What does TEXAS have that contributed to these brain percprtions.
Tom Landry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tom Landry
Tom Landry
ATom Laundry .... must be getting dirty over the years ... time for Washington to start washing in the TEXAS water continuum of WACO.
He was named the NFL Coach of the Year in 1966 and the NFC Coach of the Year ...On the football team, he played fullback and defensive back on the Texas ...
What is the atomic political science history in Washington,DC atomic bio-physics humanoid expression strcutures.
Thus Nature's water molecule signal in year 1972.
Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Watergate scandal was a political scandal that occurred in the United States in....
were also involved in another secret activity, known as the White House Plumbers,...
On June 19, 1972, it was publicly revealed that one of the Watergate ...
Let's look at year 2013 November ..... the current news from the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ...and the atomic mass --> Mass communication signal via newsppaers, TV, and thre INTERNET computer netwrok news.
The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... atomic social science conflict in Houston, Texas.
Theory of Everthing existential physics ... year 2103 signaling EVENT.
Images for water molecule 18
Images for water molecule 18
Images for water molecule 18
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at Houston-area birthday party - USA Today
14 hours ago - Two suspects sought in shootings at large house party.
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at Houston-area birthday party
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at Houston-area birthday party
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at Ho -area birthday party
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at HO -area birthday part
2 shot dead, 18 hurt at H2O -area birthday particle physics message

Thus we see the citizen/government attack upon the water molecule continuum and the periodic atomic table.
Thus the city of Houston and its citizens, corportations, and universities close their eyes to modern REALITY...... and they do not recognize the water signal ...which may be very important to their continution as a water body strcuture.

The Texas intellectual perception of water and the WH = WHITE HOUSE is .....
When to Add Water or Ice to Whiskey - Cocktails -
I frequently get asked about the appropriate way to serve whiskies. Should they be served neat? On the rocks? Or perhaps with a splash of water in the classic ...
The WHITE HOUSE whiskey equation was made famous by the Kenendy family.
WHISKEY --> the IRIS / opotical IRISH ...symbol manpuluation equation -->
WHISKEY language compoents --> WH + IS + KEY --> White House information System KEY to the subconscious MIND ....
hence , the WORD command to the general public --> a major factor in the Kennedy election.
hence , the WORD command to the general public --> a major factor in the Kennedy election.
Shots Fired Into Crowd at Party in Houston Suburb, Killing Two ...
17 hours ago - Shots Fired Into Crowd at Party in Houston Suburb, Killing Two ...The two victims who died,
a 16-year-old girl and
an 18-year-old man, were ...
an 18-year-old man, were ...
a 16-year-old girl and
a 16-year-old girl and
a 16-year-old girl and
a 16-year-old girl --> atomic mass 16 of the oxygen atom component of the water molecule ... and its Base 16 hexadecimal atomic data processing abilities
an 18-year-old man --> man --> manuscript 18 of water molecule languages and water continuum literature and news.

Perhaps, the water molecule signal sent by the WHITE HOUSE ought have been more specific .... the First Lady ought have visited science reaserchers the Watertown area on her visit.
First lady Michelle Obama visits Watertown
Sep 12, 2013 - First lady Michelle Obama came to Watertown High School on Thursday to pitch Americans on the health benefits of drinking water.
First lady Michelle Obama
First lady Mic....... O + ba + ma
First.. atoMic ...... Oxygen base map VIA atomic. bio-physics water molecule expression structure from Nature's process control systems ...known as .... washing with water the restaurant dishes in the restauarnt washing CAPITOL with proper noun: Washing TON of plates, coffee cupos, soup bowls, water glasses, etc --> Washington,DC.
Let's look at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE and its word commands upon the human bio-computer symbol processor.
The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc. The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science that may be found in any bookstore or a bookstore near a university.
We are reminded of ......
Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ... › Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General
A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...
Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages
Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we ...
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we ...
Let's look at the human college student preception problems with language WARS , symbols and the human bio-computer.
Korzybski's Structural Differential and Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder. By Steve Stockdale. This paper was inspired by, and is addressed to, Andrea Johnson's ...
Abstraction Ladder - Rijnlandmodel
GENERAL SEMANTICS & RHINELAND MODEL ... abstractions and their relations is originated by Alfred Korzybski in his book Science and Sanity. ... Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal, Bessie the cow. ... collected by Hayakawa in his archetypal version of the abstraction ladder, see the illustration alongside.
Thus universities ought be aware of the existence levels and awraenss levels of water molecule social policy .... considering their brain bbio-computer subroutine nonsense thoughts and cellular phone blabber live on Nature's water moelcule biology HOST PLATFORM ..... and Nature's INTELLECT has standards of thought and self-wawarenss.
Watergate: The Scandal That Brought Down Richard Nixon
Water + gate: The Scandal That Brought Down Richard Nixon

Representational Theories of Consciousness (Stanford ...
Jump to Qualitative Character as Representation - Of course philosophers will immediately debate the ... as in the "higher-order representation" theories of ...Consciousness, Higher-Order Theories of [Internet Encyclopedia of ...
Aug 13, 2005 - Unlike higher-order thought theory, the higher-orderrepresentation is .... Language, Thought and Consciousness: An Essay inPhilosophical ...
Water + gate --> Water molecule logic gate AGENT

Watergate: The Periodic atomic table Scandal That Brought Down Richard Nixon
Watergate: The Periodic atomic table Scandal That Brought Down ........ rd
N = Avogadro's number of water molecules
June 17 - The Watergate break-in took place on this day, June 17, in 1972. It began the saga that would end with the resignation of President Richard Nixon in ...Avogadro number President N (NixoN) and the water molecular message of year 72.
Self-Representation And Representation Of The Self | On Philosophy
Mar 21, 2007 - The self-representational thesis claims that experiences represent ...of higher order theory about consciousness, and higher order theories are ...
Nature and the atomic table --> Self-Representation And Representation Of The Self | On Philosophy
Mar 21, 2007 - The self-representational thesis claims that experiences represent ...of higher order theory about consciousness, and higher order theories are ...
Introspection, Acquaintance, and Higher-Order Representation ...
Aug 29, 2013 - [cross-posted at Philosophy Sucks!] Here at ... This is a relative of higher-order representation theories of consciousness, and especially of the ...
Introspection, Acquaintance, and Higher-Order Representation .
Introspection, Acquaintance, and Higher-Order Representation .
Introspection, Acquaintance, and Higher-Order Representation .
Introspection, Acquaintance of your water molecule body and its thoughts, and Higher-Order Representation VIA humanoid communicator President NIXON.
Introspection, Acquaintance, and Higher-Order Representation .
Introspection, Acquaintance, and Higher-Order Representation
--> the year 2013 Hierarchy Problem in physics and the NAVY and
Department of Energy problem in self-awareness,
Thus far, we have mentioned some water moelcule SIGNALS via the human water container ...... thus the water molecule messengrs are humanoid taking thought orders form the bio-wtaer molecule system that Nature's molecular engineering systems built long ago.
The next water example orginates in TEXAS and ends up in Water100 and Watertown, Wisconsin region. Water100, Hubbleton, Watertown are within 16 miles of each other on Highway 19, Wisconsin.
The start is the news reports in newspapers and magazines about TRAVIS, Texas and the lack of physical water molecules and lack of brain SYMBOL thoughts about water molecule continuum messages.
To maximize the signal contrast ratio, the opposite of drought is water --> hence, Travis drought is in sharp contrast to the WATER region along Highway 19, Wisconsin.
LCRA general manager on making it through the Texas drought ... › Innovation
Oct 15, 2013 - Recent rains aren't enough to alleviate Texas' ongoing drought. ... If this drought continues and the amount of water in Lakes Travis and ...Texas drought 101: what has happened to Lake Travis? (part 1)
But still it is a sad site to see. So here are some photos of what once was the lushness of Lake Travis, now the result of the infamous drought of 2009:
A body of water --> geography Lake Travis
A body of water --> the human body of water of Travis Z (atomic number agent) in the geography region of Watertown, Wisconsin
2 face charges in UWM man's death - Watertown Daily Times Online ...
Oct 6, 2008 - "That friend was Travis Zoellick of Watertown," Nehls said. ... "The family and friends of Haroon Khan mourn his very tragic death," it said.
A body of water (Lake Travis) <---> SUPER-symmetry physics <----> a body of water (Travis Zoellick)
Things to do on the human body lake of
Lake .... Travis Zoellick of Watertown
TRAVIS (Trav + vis --> Traveling vision optical life forms) .... parasites .... presents residents and visitors with a grand natural
But still it is a sad site to see. So here are some WORDS of what once was the lu = logical unit of Mr. Travis Zoellick and Harron Kahn , now the result of the infamous drought of 2009:
Murder victim's family questions acquittal
That friend was Travis Zoellick of Watertown friend was Travis Z oe of Watertown
...atomic friend was Travis Z oe --> atomic number Z = 18 order entry --> Watertown molecular city
Above, Haroon Khan killed by
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom military .............. kniFe
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom military .............. kniFe
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution --> the Drawinmian EVOLUTION signal is very clear ... a water molecule continnum mssage for
About the Lancet Medical Journal -
The Lancet's prestigious WATER MOLECULE heritage as one of the world's leadingmedical journals continues to inspire our water molecule authors and editors today as they strive for medical ...
Another event sent a signal to the universities. The atomic mass of Water and its INTERNAL systems (Quantum STATE of Mass ) represented by the EXTERNAL display in the EARTH geography state of Massachusettes.
Search Results
Marathon bombing suspect captured in Watertown - 20, 2013 - Four days after two deadly explosions turned the finish line of the Boston Marathon into a scene of chaos and carnage, the man believed to be ...
EXCLUSIVE: Watertown Mass. Police describe takedown of Boston ...
EXCLUSIVE: Watertown atomic Mass Police .......
describe takedown of Boston ...
Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ...atomic social anthroplogy war EXCLUSIVE: Watertown Mass.
EXCLUSIVE: Watertown Mass. Police describe takedown of Boston ...
EXCLUSIVE: Watertown Mass. Police describe takedown of Boston ...
EXCLUSIVE: Water molecule Mass.
Atomic bio-physics Police describe takedown of Boston ...
Parallel LINKAGE of death data generating EVENTS -->
Watertown, Massachusetts and Boston 26 mile race
Watertown, Wisconsin and ferrous oxide IRON atomic number 26 at Highway 26
Watertown, Massachusetts and Boston 26 mile race
Watertown, Wisconsin and ferrous oxide IRON atomic number 26 at Highway 26
Jul 8, 2013 - (From left) Watertown Police Dept. officers Joseph Reynolds, Jean Sarkissian and Michael Comick, Sergeant John MacLellan, officer Miguel ...
Jul 8, 2013
Jul 8, 2013
Jul 8, 2013
Jul 8, 2013
... l 8 --> number 18 water mass ......
continuum signal from Watertown, Mass to
Watertown Wisconsin ..... year 2013 --> 20 standard amino acids..water code 20 --> age 20 Travis Z.
That man, 20-year-old Travis Zoellick of Watertown,
That man, 20-year-old Travis Zoellick of Watertown, m , 20-year-old Travis Zoellick of Watertown,
....atom man, 20-year-old Travis Z (atomic number) ...... order entry from the Watertown molecule contniuum to commit the Darwin evolution signal to MIT scientist in Massachusetts.
by a man who wanted his 2006 Mitsubishi Evolution, according to a complaint.
by a man who wanted his 2006 Mitsubishi Evolution, according to a complaint.
by a manuscript who wanted his 2006 Mit ........... Evolution theory
updated by Cambridge universities, according to a complaint by Nature's systems.
Thus we see that information strings of string theory physics ....... with super-symmetry SYMBOL MACHINE thought tools and MIRRORS, the Theory Of Evertything,
the the 11-dimensions of M-theory ..... help understand the water continuum messages
the the 11-dimensions of M-theory ..... help understand the water continuum messages
Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the main encyclopedia article, see M-theory. ... This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations of the ten dimensional theory that ...Introduction to Murder theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the main encyclopedia article, see M-theory. ... This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations of the ten dimensional theory that ...
increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations
increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations
increased to (Zoe +11 + ick) dimensions based on various interpretations of the periodic atomic table of elemnts and the atomic programming of Zoellick's brain sysmbol thoughts
Thus researchers have a few pieces to a puzzle. Theorists have empirical data to help them devlop models of modern REALITY and human expression and message activities on the geography surface of EARTH LAB.
Waco --> Water Compound
Waco --> Water Continuum
Waco --> Water communications code
Waco --> Water code
The Waco siege was a siege of a compound belonging to the religious group Branch Davidians
Waco siege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Branch Davidians, a sect that separated in 1955 from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, was led by David Koresh and lived at Mount Carmel Center ranch in the community of Elk, Texas,[5][6][7] nine miles (14 kilometers) east-northeast of Waco.
The group was suspected of weapons violations, causing a search and arrest warrant to be obtained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
The incident began when the ATF attempted to raid the ranch. An intense gun battle erupted, resulting in the deaths of four government agents and six Branch Davidians. Upon the ATF's failure to raid the compound, a siege was initiated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the standoff lasting 51 days. Eventually, the FBI launched an assault and initiated a tear gas attack in an attempt to force the Branch Davidians out of the ranch. During the attack, a fire engulfed Mount Carmel Center. 76 people died,[8][9] including David Koresh.
Waco siege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Waco siege was a siege of a compound belonging to the religious group Branch Davidians by American federal and Texas state law enforcement and US military between February 28 and April 19, 1993.[4] The Branch Davidians, a sect that separated in 1955 from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, was led by David Koresh and lived at Mount Carmel Center ranch in the community of Elk, Texas,[5][6][7] nine miles (14 kilometers) east-northeast of Waco.
The group was suspected of weapons violations, causing a search and arrest warrant to be obtained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
The incident began when the ATF attempted to raid the ranch. An intense gun battle erupted, resulting in the deaths of four government agents and six Branch Davidians. Upon the ATF's failure to raid the compound, a siege was initiated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the standoff lasting 51 days. Eventually, the FBI launched an assault and initiated a tear gas attack in an attempt to force the Branch Davidians out of the ranch. During the attack, a fire engulfed Mount Carmel Center. 76 people died,[8][9] including David Koresh.
The Waco siege was a siege of a compound
The Waco ......... was a of a compound
The Waco...........wasser ......... compound
Wasser - German to English Translation › German Translation
... translation). Translate Wasser to German online and download now our free translation software to use at any time. ... water; mineral water; rainwater, river water, seawater (etc.) ... Translate the German term wasser to other languages ...
The Waco siege was a siege of a molecular compound and its humanoid agent / representative / symbol
Symbolism - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Webster
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
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