Rd-blog-number-2763 by Herb Zinser
Let's look at the periodic atomic table and its Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its atomic social science and atomic social psychology publications.
These books help explain the hierarchy of existence .... the various levels of existence and the interactions and communication paths between those levels.
The Hierarchy Problem | Of Particular Significance
Aug 14, 2011 - What is the Hierarchy Problem? An important feature of nature that puzzles scientists like myself is known as the hierarchy, meaning the vast ...
A problem of hierarchy | physics musings
May 10, 2006 - One of the many puzzles (a.k.a. Mysteries of Life) faced by modern theoretical physics is the so-called hierarchy problem: when one compares ..
Let's look at the books written by atomic, bio-physics authors on Hierarchy ..... the TA model.
Eric Berne's Transactional Analysis parent adult child model, theory ...
www.businessballs.com › self/personal developmentTransactional analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Diagram of concepts in transactional analysis, based on cover of Eric Berne's 1964 book ... The same model helps explain how people function and express their .... body-work, positive psychological, personality adaptational, self-reparenting, ...-
The author is a bio-math numeric expression agent ...... hence, his math psychology identifier: eric. He represents the algbera subset of the SYMBOL MACHINE word: numeric.Thus .. from Nature's point of VIEW ..... the above Hieracrchy ...starts at the top.1st) P = Particle physics is the Parent of2nd) A = Atoms in the periodic atomic table of life and thought3rd) C = Carbon based life forms. ...organic chemistry which includes humans and their molecular behavior extension ---> social chemistry.
We all know the organic chemistry book code --> CHILD --> subset symbols CH = Carbon Hydrogen structures. For example the EARTH LAB human specimen representatives of methane is know as the 4-H CLUB of Wisconsin and their farm agriculture members..The source documents of mass communications ..... that is atomic mass communications are books like:In physics and bio-physics departments at the Carl Jung atomic collective unconscious level of thought ..... he is known as American TOM Harris--> Symbol codes A TOM Harris --> ATOM ....Harris ---> H = Hypothesis .... arr = array Is = Information systems (at the atomic social psychology level)
principle quantum level K.
- The quantum state ..STATE of OKLAHOMA --> OKL --> implies the Oxygen K L battle in OKLAHOMA CITY with 168 dead. Hence, atomic mass 16 and atomic number 8 --> implies the oxygen ordered bombing at the Federal building VIA Nature's oxygen breathing humanoid McVeigh(t) ---> periodic atomic table .......... atomic number military authorization identifier.Other atomic mass ... mass communications books are:
Born to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments: Muriel ...
www.amazon.com › ... › Psychology & Counseling › CounselingBorn to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments [Muriel James, Dorothy Jongeward]The REAL title of the book .... in atomic English language terms--->Max BORN to DarWINMax Born - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Born -
Early life and education - Career - Later life - Bibliography
Below, is the applied bio-physics model ..... -->
Stand Model of
We see the important role of particle physics in our daily work and social activities.
. ...Thus, the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... atomic social anthropology expressionswith the Transactional Analysis of atomic behavior display devices known as humanoids.
Transactional Analysis explanation, history, Eric Berne TA model history and explanation, plus more free online training for management, sales, marketing, ...
Eric Berne's Transactional Analysis parent adult child model, theory ...
In addition, we see other atomic family codes of the 18 families of the periodic atomic table ... -
CP --->What is direct CP violation? - Stanford University
- refers to a mirror image
- refers to a mirror image
refers to a mirror image .....
the evolution of C.P. Snow symbol thoughts and proper nouns
AC --> Alternating cycles and the ....
Coupling Constants for the Fundamental Forces
The coupling constant for each force is a dimensionless constant. ... Using the electromagnetic coupling constant of 1/137 then leads to a gravitational coupling ...
The Mysterious 137 - Feynman Online
However, physicists have yet to find any link between the number 137 and any ... For an electromagnetic black hole, general relativity comes to the rescue and ... the observed coupling constant, e, the amplitude for a real electron to emit or ...
137 --> 1 atomic human at 37.0 degrees Celsius body temperature
Does he exist? It is year 2013 and we hear no announcement
The Mysterious Oddone at 37.0 degrees Celsius thermodynamics at Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom RD site at FermiLAB .
The bio-physics math polynomial ......
roots of transactional analysis
Throughout history, and from all standpoints: philosophy, medical science, religion; people have believed that each man and woman has a multiple nature.
In the early 20th century, Sigmund Freud first established that the human psyche is multi-faceted, and that each of us has warring factions in our subconscious. Since then, new theories continue to be put forward, all concentrating on the essential conviction that each one of us has parts of our personality which surface and affect our behaviour according to different circumstances.
In 1951 Dr Wilder Penfield began a series of scientific experiments. Penfield proved, using conscious human subjects, by touching a part of the brain (the temporal cortex) with a weak electrical probe, that the brain could be caused to 'play back' certain past experiences, and the feelings associated with them. The patients 'replayed' these events and their feelings despite not normally being able to recall them using their conventional memories.
Penfield's experiments went on over several years, and resulted in wide acceptance of the following conclusions:
The human brain acts like a tape recorder, and whilst we may 'forget' experiences, the brain still has them recorded. Along with events the brain also records the associated feelings, and both feelings and events stay locked together. It is possible for a person to exist in two states simultaneously (because patients replaying hidden events and feelings could talk about them objectively at the same time). Hidden experiences when replayed are vivid, and affect how we feel at the time of replaying. There is a certain connection between mind and body, i.e. the link between the biological and the psychological, eg a psychological fear of spiders and a biological feeling of nausea.
Atomic bi-directional communications theory

ATOM spelled backwards --> MO TA --> MOlecular Transactional Analyisl
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