RD-blog-number-3323 by Herb Zinser
Let's look at the periodic atomic table of elements and their language elements.
Of particular interest is the atomic word: _ tomato_ with leading and trailing blanks.
Using the atomic English language authorization codes
provided by the AM subset of the word: AMERICA we can fill in the blanks.
Thus we have AtomatoM --> which is the 2 separate words Atom + atoM.
The word ATOM ..... and its symbol evolution to ATOM + ATOM --> giving TOMATO + remainder symbols AM ... gives us additional information about ATOM AMerica.. ATOM --> subset symbols --> OM = Oxygen Molecule. Thus we see Nature's communication system ..... two tomatoes are a super-symmetry MIRROR to the two atom construction of the OM = Oxygen Molecule.
Thus we see the most atomic primordial desire of an atom researcher and its social expression.
AMerican physicis and chemistry graduate students and professors are really TOMATO researchers ... and that extends into their personnal social life. For example, at lunch they talk about their atomic social activities using atomic ENGLISH language phrases:
It was slang .......
"By the 1920s, a "hot tomato" was slang for an attractive woman, and though the term is no longer current, most Americans recognize it."
It was slang .......
"By the 1920s, a "hot tomato" was slang for an attractive woman, and though the term is no longer current, most Americans recognize it."
Why are women called tomatoes? | Answerbag
Apr 16, 2009 - (slang) A desirable-looking woman. Look at the legs on that hot tomato!
Although this usage isn't as common as it used to be, 'tomato' is slang for an attractive woman. A 'hot tomato' is slang for, well, let's call it a 'very' attractive ...
Thus we see that atom attraction at the human level can result in romance and marriage.
The male atom scientist working on 2 or more atoms (atom + atom --> code tomato ) naturally seeks an atomic, bio-physics female object with EARTH LAB identifier ... hot tomato .. known for their attraction properities at the surface level of Margaret Mead atomic social science reality ...... BUT, deep down at their primordial atomic origination point .......
Thus we see that the concept of the hot tomato, and physics professor associations with such hot tomatoes lead to brain development of the next SYMBOL CONCEPT --> bio-physics. Bio-physics professors literally work day and night ....... in the day they work at the university lab and at night they work real hard in their private lab with their bio-physics SUPERSYMMETRY tomato.
Thus we see a piece of the architecture of Nature's vast research system ... that extends into the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family of adults living in a house..
The periodic atomic table of elements has several features ... for each element.
1) the physics concept of an element ... with mass, a nucleus, electrons, etc. These features are used by physics and engineering graduates to design electronic devices such as televisions and atomic nuclear power plants for electricity, etc
2) the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its atomic social science expressions.
3) we have the atomic ENGLISH language with proton prose
4) we have electoral votes --> electoral --> elect oral --> electron orbital votes for the atomic table president VIA atomic bio-physics human representation devices.
Electoral College (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
National Archives and Records Administration
U. S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions 
National Archives and Records Administration
Thus we see that Nature's atomic table is like a movie projector ...... and the atomic projections are unto the geography surface of EARTH ... which is like a movies screen or a computer terminal display.
What is displayed by Nature ... the MASTER DIRECTOR .... cellulose trees, 4-legged animals, 2-legged humans, etc.
For example, a BOTANY professor is an atomic projection (VIA a complex process of Nature).
For example, a BOTANY professor is an atomic projection (VIA a complex process of Nature).
Welcome to the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Purdue University.
Welcome to the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Purdue University.
Welcome to the Department of Botany and Plan Path at due Univers.
Welcome to the Solar System 360 Department of Botany and Project Plan Path at Project due Milky Way Universe .
Research, teaching and extension have been an integral part of the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology since 1887. Today's department includes 23 faculty who are advancing and teaching the disciplines of Plant Biology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science.
the disciplines of Plant Biology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science
the disciplines of Plant Biology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science
the disciplines of Plan Biology, Plan Path bio-math logarithms of logy and ed Science (Electron data Systems and Nature's computer science named PLAN Zero at PLANO, Texas).
Let's return to the atomic tomato ....
Images for quantum atomic projection
Thus we see an information chain starting with the periodic atomic table.
The atomic table ----> first projection level --> Botany tomato.
Then some new mother ...who has eaten tomatoes at dinner ....decides to name her newborn son after the TOMATO --> TOMATO MAN --> symbols --> TOM ..... who ... in his quest for the origin of his identity .... becomes a BOTANY student ........ a consequence of tomato extension technology using the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Another new mother ...who has eaten tomatoes at dinner ....decides to name her newborn son after the TOMATO --> TOMATO MAN --> symbols --> TOM ATOM AN = Atomic NUmber ..... who ... in his quest for the origin of his identity .... becomes a physics or chemistry student to study atomic numbers ........
a different consequence of tomato extension technology using Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE.
a different consequence of tomato extension technology using Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE.
Tomato - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thus we sentence CLUES: Project plan Solar System ............... atom project plan
Hence, Nature has project plans and other projects ... just like moden day humanoids and their business corporations..
Projections of atoms in terms of interatomic vectors - ScienceDirect
by C Kim - 1997 - Cited by 11 - Related articles
Abstract. The azimuthal dependencies of the real-space projections of atoms in terms of the near-surface interatomic vectors from a Pt{l 11 }-. (1 x 1 ) surface are ...
Let's take the above concept and ask the atomic SYMBOL MACHINE about the keywords: vegetable tomato.
Vegetable --> Ve + get + table --> Vector get symbol table
In COMPUTER EARTH terms ....of vector space ... the IBM CICS get instruction..... it has a few different formats
Migrating from COMMAREAs to channels
EXEC CICS GET CONTAINER(structure-name) CHANNEL(channel-name) ... an XCTL command to pass a structure, change the instructions shown in Table 22.
CICS application design considerations - FTP Directory Listing - IBM
Each time the program is called, it gets a new copy of working storage. ... Transaction Work Area (TWA); User storage acquired by EXEC CICS GETMAIN without .
Thus we see the Earth geography surface as a mathematical-physics surface as a vector space ... vector data space that can use Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and its applictaions. Thus a garden of vegetables of LAND --> implies LANDAU physics with vector get tables.
In addition to the atom + atom expression --> Tomato ..... we have the atomic spin expression named spinach.
Spinach - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is an edible flowering plant in the family of Amaranthaceae. It is native to central and southwestern Asia. It is an annual plant (rarely ...
Spinach Recipes - Home Cooking - About.com
Spinach Recipes - Home Cooking - About.com
Atomic Spin Recipes - Home Cooking - About.com
Spin --> Spinoza philosophy book Recipes -
Spin (physics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For example, a helium atom can have spin 0 and therefore can behave like a boson even .... This phenomenon is used in nuclear magnetic resonance sensing.
Early experiemnts ..the precursor to Stern–Gerlach experiment
Baruch Spin o - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Baruch Spinoza (24 November 1632 – 21 February 1677) — later Benedict de Spinoza — was a Dutch philosopher. The breadth and importance of Spinoza's ...
See also --> the evolution of atomic bio-physics to year 2013
Why Spinoza Was Excommunicated | Humanities
Why Spin and early atomic physics Was Excommunicated | Humanities
Before writing a single book, Bento de Spinoza was considered a dangerous thinker.
de Spin
de Spin
atomic computer code SPIN
The history of Nature's project and one of its agent ......Spinoza (24 November 1632) .... the spin expression in year 1632 with atomic number 16 and atomic moleculae mass 32 of the message expression year of the OXYGEN MOLE.CLUE.
Spinach Recipes - Homer and the Illiad
Spinach Recipes. Whether you like to eat spinach raw or cooked, you're sure to find a tasty spinach recipe here.
Below, the atomic spin projection to a larger sized EARTH LAB display. Thus we see the importance of viewing the EARTH geography surface ..... in a local region of flat soil / land/ earth surface ... like a garden with vegetables .... that flat land ..... geography surface is like a Mother Nature television screen displaying 3-dimensional objects of information and CLUES about the structure of Sartre existentialism.
Potatoes - The World's Healthiest Foods --> food for thoughts of TOE System theory
Potatoes are named after .... pota + toes --> Potassium Theory of Everything System the role of poatoes in the thought processes of theoretcial physicists in TOE calculations
Thus we see the role of green string beans in the development of string theory,
String Beans with Garlic Recipe :
Ina Garten : Food Network 
Magic Wok menu - Madison, WI 53704 - (608) 561-4040 - Allmenus.com 
www.allmenus.com/wi/madison/385426-magic-wok/menu/Restaurant menu, map for Magic Wok located in 53704, Madison WI, 2044 Atwood Ave. ...
Pork with Green String Beans $9.25 and the right triangle equation code 9 25.
Served with steamed rice.
Green String Beans at equation $9.25
Food Network ..food for string theory thoughts and applications
Rating: 4.8 - 33 reviews - 17 min
Get this all-star, easy-to-follow String Beans with Garlic recipe from Ina Garten. ... The touch of butter alongside the olive oil made the green beans rich and tasty ..
As the old atomic English phrase states " You are what you eat".
Thus we see the modern day ... year 2013 ... situation in Chicago area of FermiLAB, Argonne National Labs, the university physics departments in the region.
Graduate students study the tau particle and they study linear algebra array theory with matrices.

Now, let's look at the atomic English langauge and its application to every day life activities and business activities VIA the SYMBOL MACHINE.
In Chicago we have the National Restuarnt Association convention.
NRA Show - National Restaurant Association
Join us and experience the energy and inspiration of NRA Show. You may just find that new product, trend or idea that makes the difference in your business ...
In business accounting we have AR = Accounts Receivable.
Thus the atomic SYMBOL MACHINE has ..
AR Restaurant --> a string of symbols ..rewritten as --> ARRest tau --> arrest tau particles in restaurants for violations of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family laws .... such as the sodium chloride molecular SALT TREATY with humans and restaurant dinner tables..
By itself ..in atomic social sciences .. crime dictionary word: arrest --> array estimators.
For example ..... I remember .... at lunch when I was working .... several of us sat in the cafeteria at a rectangular table that seated about 8 to 10 people ..... hence, the linear algbera array configuaration of humanoids. For Naure's point of view ..... we comprised an array of information ( some accurate and some estimated )
In year 2103 .... we see ---> TOE (Theory of Everything) , super-symmetry, and Grand Unified Theory which includes the Grand Avenue concrete string in Chicago (from Navy Pier to Pier ODDone at Batavia ..., the western outpost of atomic Lake(y) Michigan wave mechanics and its extension to FermiLAB).
FermiLAB ....
Pier Oddone from the Galapagos Islands extension region of Peru ...and his Mitichondria brain cell SYMBOL ENGINE evolution via MIT university
...... to the the St.Charles (Darwin), Illinois research site at nearby FermiLAB
.. to study ill/sick noise / blabber / nonsense ......
atomic brain noise by humans mouth / talk , music heads, and others.
FermiLAB ....
Pier Oddone from the Galapagos Islands extension region of Peru ...and his Mitichondria brain cell SYMBOL ENGINE evolution via MIT university
...... to the the St.Charles (Darwin), Illinois research site at nearby FermiLAB
.. to study ill/sick noise / blabber / nonsense ......
atomic brain noise by humans mouth / talk , music heads, and others.
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